We have all heard of the importance of proper hydration and water intake and the benefits it has on our bodies. What many expecting mothers don’t know is how proper hydration can affect the quality of the images during 2D/3D/4D/HD Live ultrasounds. Drinking plenty of water days prior to your ultrasound helps increase your amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid is the protective liquid contained by the amniotic sac which surrounds your baby. This fluid serves as a cushion for your growing baby. Drinking plenty of water also helps make the fluid clearer. This fluid is used to help produce optimal imaging results. When you are dehydrated, your amniotic fluid may be cloudy which can distort the images produced by ultrasound. When you have the proper amount of amniotic fluid, the fluid level increases, the fluid is clearer resulting in better images.

Drinking 8-10 glasses of water daily is the minimum recommendation. It is highly recommended that you drink ½ ounce per pound of your body weight. For example, if you weight 150lbs, you should drink 75ounces of water daily.

So, it turns out that being properly hydrated during your pregnancy is not only good for mother and baby, it is can play an important role in the quality of images obtained during your ultrasound session. So do yourself a favor and drink up!
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